Black Wyandotte Laying Dinky Eggs


Nov 3, 2015
Austin TX
So my newest chicken, Penguin O'Tool, just started laying two weeks ago. She lays about 6 dark brown eggs a week and they are tiny. Tinier than her friend Pidgy McNugget, who is a bantam sized chicken.

Penguin is as large as my easter egger. I read that Wyandottes lay smaller than average eggs but are they supposed to be tinier than a bantam egg?
Do you have any pics? I just want to see what Peguin O' Tool and her eggs look like. I am thinking of getting some wyandotte pullets in the spring. :)
Sourland has it right. They'll get larger. Don't be surprised if you get some funky eggs too as her system adjusts into it's normal laying cycle. She'll get there.

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