blackhead in Mississippi?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 26, 2011
Grenada, Mississippi
Anyone know if we have blackead in Ms? I've called the local USDA and MSU extension office but they know nothing! Any help will greatly be appreciated. I would love to keep my 6 turkeys in the same area with my chickens. Thanks!
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I've been trying to find out myself if I need to move my little Turkey away from his little chicken friend but can't find much info about it
I still have not found the answer either. I have turkeys around my chickens and have had no problems with it. Respiratory issues seem to be a bigger problem here. Maybe someone at MSU can tell you. Post if you find out.
If i were to guess, and I live in FL, that anyplace with hot and wet weather could breed blackhead. That said not everyone has problems with it, bad thing is you normally have to have a turkey come down with it before you know you have it.... I am careful about introducing new chickens, I always keep meds like Fishzole on hand encase I have problems, and I've had a few. I try to avoid keeping chickens and turkey penned togther. I raise poults off ground until about 3 months old. I worm chickens with safeguard liquid goat wormer, as it helps kill off the host parasite that carries balckhead.

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