Blood in stools of layers - diagnosis/cure??


Love my feathered babies!
13 Years
May 29, 2009
My Coop
My Coop
I have a flock consisting of chickens between 12 weeks to 1.5 yrs. There were several bloody stools in the coop this AM. The smell was quite strong as well. I was told by the feed store that it was coccidiosis and they sold me Sulmet (sulfamethazine solium 12.5%) Drinking water solution. They said I could treat the flock and throw out the eggs for 2 weeks. But I read the bottle. It says not to give to birds that lay eggs for human consumption....period!

Is there another treatment that will allow for the eggs to be harvested after treament is complete? What do you think?

Looks a lot like this photo i found on the web, just not as much red as this though:

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I called the vet for advice but he never got back to me. Is there anyone who knows what I should do? They are eating, drinking, laying, and acting normal. Do they have a problem that needs to be treated or am I overly concerned?
If it looks like the picture you have there its not cocci . Preoidically they shed stomach lining. It looks the a rose pink and kinda sticky. If they are not acting sick and with cocci they will most often act sick then its the shed. Also they usually dont do it more than once every couple days or so. So I would wait and keep checking their poo. Sit outside with them and watch when they poo. In cocci it is usually blood red.
Well the picture you're posting is the one off of this site and is an example of intestinal lining that's shed. I wouldn't think your older ladies would be having problems with cocci, but it's certainly possible that the 12 week olds do. If you could post an actual picture of your birds dropping it would help. As far as treatment goes many people use Sulmet with good results, usually discarding the eggs for 2-3 weeks. I prefer Corid and while I wouldn't sell any eggs from hens under treatment I wouldn't have any problems eating them myself.
Yep, that's the intestinal lining picture. Nothing to worry about there!
For future reference, i think that the labeling that says not to give to laying hens says so because you shouldn't be eating the eggs. Many people use both those medications and then throw out the eggs....though cocci is very very rarely a problem for hens old enough to lay.
Here's the poops from this morning:




Do you think it's just intestinal lining? I sure hope so
That would be a load off my mind!
when my chickens had cocci it was just like a poop of pure blood, no other colour or lumps, just a little pool of bright red blood.
i would say yours are just intestinal shedding poop
Question. My ducks are doing this and Ive never seen this before! Mine is just like this but no actual poop. Is it normal? Im freaking because just a few days ago one died of seizures and her boyfriend is acting sick or depressed. It looks like red clay but sticky. Ive never noticed it before :-(
I would agree with the other users, that is intestinal lining. Its pale pink, not blood red. Have seen poops like these in our broiler flocks many a time; the birds were healthy and gained weight normally. And also, if you need to medicate for cocci in the future Corid is easier on the chickens than sulmet and, ive heard, treats a wider variety of cocci. Good luck with your flock! :)

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