Bloody egg shell


5 Years
Apr 9, 2014
Help! Earlier today I saw one of my eggs pass a very bloody stool.....thought it could be blackberries rather than blood so didn't worry.
Now we found a blood covered egg in the middle of our lawn. She always lays in the coop. Now she is sitting in the nesting box.
I am sooooo worried! She is 7 months old and a bantam wyandotte. I did also see her eating rhubarb leaves the other day. Any help is so appreciated!
Welcome to BYC. I would be concerned that she may have coccidiosis. Blood smear on the egg of a new layer is fairly common, but a bloody stool is not. I would be tempted to get some Corid (amprollium) and treat her for coccidiosis for 5 days, especially if she is acting lethargic or puffed up. Is she new or have you added any new chickens? Capillaria worms and enteritis are 2 other conditions that may cause coccidiosis.
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