Bloody liquid eggs

Linda in Idaho

7 Years
Jan 14, 2017
I have 5 hens of different breeds. They are almost 3 years old. My BR, who has been a heavy layer of enormous eggs, laid a liquid, bloody mass in the nest box two days ago. It looked like an egg without the shell or membrane, but it had a lot of blood and what appeared to be blood clots or bloody tissue. Yesterday I found some "liquid egg" on the poop board and again in the nest box. This morning, on the poop board, there was a round mass the same size and shape as a yolk, but dark red in color. When I broke it open, it appeared to contain albumen. The hen appears normal. She is active, eating, and drinking. None of the other hens seem affected. I am attaching a photo of the first mass I found. I would appreciate any insight on the possible cause and treatment advice.


  • 2020 June 07--Clem mass2.jpg
    2020 June 07--Clem mass2.jpg
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  • 2020 June 07--Clem mass.jpg
    2020 June 07--Clem mass.jpg
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I think that there could be a problem going on in her oviduct causing broken blood vessels that are causing the bleeding. I had a hen once who started laying eggs with bright blood in the albumen with each egg. She later stopped laying altogether, and later died of reproductive issues. Here is a good article about egg problems:
Thanks for your insight. I fear you are correct about her oviduct. I feel it must be something pretty drastic in her reproductive system for her to quit producing membrane or shell. If I thought it was due to disease or infection, I would attempt to treat her; but, she seems healthy otherwise and the other hens seem fine.
I think that there could be a problem going on in her oviduct causing broken blood vessels that are causing the bleeding. I had a hen once who started laying eggs with bright blood in the albumen with each egg. She later stopped laying altogether, and later died of reproductive issues. Here is a good article about egg problems:

This morning my hen had not left the coop. When I looked inside, she was still on the roost. This is not a good sign. I did an overall exam, including probing her vent, but could find nothing obvious. I have not found a vet in our area that treats chickens. Is there something I could/should give her as a general treatment? I feel at a loss.

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