Bloody looking droppings?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 27, 2008
I had the girls cooped up for a day while my husband & I were out of town. I noticed two stool droppings that looked like blood. Should I be concerned? I'm a very new chicken keeper. We have six grown hens. Four are laying eggs.
Absolutely, how old and have they been on medicated feed? Ask others, but I had this and it was Coccididosis (cocci). The blood is a irratation in your chicks bowels. Are they dumpy looking, puffy and sluggish? cold feet? Get some Sulmet (sp) and follow the directions and you should see a diff in a matter of days. These things happen, it has to me this year, and yes they do live from this if you get the med in time. You will have to make sure you dip their beaks into the medicated water. I brought my 1 in the house, medicated the others as a precaution. Feel free to ask anyone on this site, good luck and hope its as simple as what I have made comment on!!! I'll keep track of your progress!
Thanks for the advice. I'll off to gets some meds for them. I love this website!
Definitely get on it if you suspect sickness! But on the lighter side...
I once thought we had bloody droppings and it turned out to be what they were eating (tomatoes, red pepper skins, watermelon, etc...). Just a thought.
Good Luck!
Amy J.

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