BLRW/BBS Ameraucana Cross Chick...Cockerel or Pullet?


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
18 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
This one is interesting because it has a single comb so the usual pea combed sexing doesn't apply. I was surprised that it didn't have a walnut comb, but a genetics expert explained how some of these will have singles. Came from a flock of BBS Ameraucanas where a BLRW rooster had been carousing with the wrong ladies, LOL. It's a gorgeous baby, but I cannot decide if it's male or female. The comb is small, no wattles popping out yet, though the legs are making me go hmm. May have to wait a week or two, really, but give me your impression, please. He/she will turn 4 weeks old mid-week. Yes, I'm positive of the parents, though this chick did not come from my flock, hatched from a very blue egg.



Looks girl for now.About parents-if Ameraucanas are pure they can not throw yelowlegged babie and because they are E-extended black babie will be black too.Bebie looks too much RIR.I think you used to have RIR hen?
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Thischick is not from my birds, but I have had crosses of BR over BBS Ameraucana with yellow legs, like my Riley. Some have white with slate wash over the fronts and some have yellow. This chick has the yellow legs of its sire and came from a very blue egg, so I know it's an Ameraucana cross--I've seen the pics of the parents.

Here is Riley, sired by my Barred Rock rooster over my older blue Ameraucana hen out of Cree lines--see? yellow legs Her sister had white legs.
I cannot guess the sex at this point. But I do agree that I don't think it looks like a BBS/BLR cross just from a color standpoint. It could have gotten yellow skin from one of the parents, but I would tend to think the legs would then be green.

On the barred rock cross pic, the barred gene inhibits dermal melanins, so I could see having the light legs. And, the color looks right for the BBS/BR cross.

Not all black ameraucanas are extended black. My flock carries birchen and I think Lisa's do too.
Hmm, should be interesting, then. I did see the pic of the BLRW sire in the flock of Ameraucanas, and the color sure is right for a BLRW chick, but she/he came from a very blue egg. Of course, I don't know which color the mom is, blue, black or splash.
Yeah, I know. I didn't expect this one to be so, well, red! That cross should make a really cool patterned EE, though. I'll get updated pics as it grows.

ETA: the full-blooded Ameraucana siblings consist of two black pullets and one black cockerel plus one splash cockerel, no blues in there, and this baby. All came from eggs with nice blue color.

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