I am thinking of taking pre-orders this year for shipping chicks, instead of just doing local orders.
Each order would be for 15-25 chicks at $5 each, shipped by priority mail for $20. I'll post pictures later - just trying to get a feel for interest in doing this first.
Breeds available (mix and match) are from my various pens:
black/blue Ameraucana (beautiful blue eggs - last year I got 50 chicks from Paul Smith, 25 from John Blehm, and eggs from Wayne Meredith and Whitmore Farms)
B/B/S olive eggers (blue marans x blue Ameraucanas)
BLRW - blue roo over splash hens from BYC members (no hatchery birds)
black copper marans - great egg color and mix of birds from 6+ sellers last year, including Cree Farms bloodline
olive egger BCM roosters over 1st generation olive egger hens
EE pen with 1 silver Ameraucana, 1 wheaten Ameraucana, and 1 EE roo over EE hens and welsummer hens (for olive eggers)
Welsummer pen - all from BYC member stock (hatched eggs from 8 different sellers - I love welsummers!)
Silkie pens - white, buff, black, blue/splash (all gorgeous breeder quality, all blacks and some buffs and white from Amy Piehl, buff roosters from Sundown Silkies line, white and splash hens from Sunshine Silkies, and white roosters from AHappyChick)
I also have seramas from Jerry's seramas, and a trio of birchen modern game bantams from the modern game bantam club president, but not sure yet if I should ship those 2 breeds since the babies are so tiny.
The first ship-date would be for early May, taking up to 4 orders per month until the end of June.
Note: please be willing to take up to 5 extra babies compared to what you order, since I will set more than what is ordered to be sure enough hatch at the right time.
This is when the silkies were babies last fall - I'll have to get more pics of them soon since they've filled out - they're gorgeous!
Each order would be for 15-25 chicks at $5 each, shipped by priority mail for $20. I'll post pictures later - just trying to get a feel for interest in doing this first.
Breeds available (mix and match) are from my various pens:
black/blue Ameraucana (beautiful blue eggs - last year I got 50 chicks from Paul Smith, 25 from John Blehm, and eggs from Wayne Meredith and Whitmore Farms)
B/B/S olive eggers (blue marans x blue Ameraucanas)
BLRW - blue roo over splash hens from BYC members (no hatchery birds)
black copper marans - great egg color and mix of birds from 6+ sellers last year, including Cree Farms bloodline
olive egger BCM roosters over 1st generation olive egger hens
EE pen with 1 silver Ameraucana, 1 wheaten Ameraucana, and 1 EE roo over EE hens and welsummer hens (for olive eggers)
Welsummer pen - all from BYC member stock (hatched eggs from 8 different sellers - I love welsummers!)
Silkie pens - white, buff, black, blue/splash (all gorgeous breeder quality, all blacks and some buffs and white from Amy Piehl, buff roosters from Sundown Silkies line, white and splash hens from Sunshine Silkies, and white roosters from AHappyChick)
I also have seramas from Jerry's seramas, and a trio of birchen modern game bantams from the modern game bantam club president, but not sure yet if I should ship those 2 breeds since the babies are so tiny.
The first ship-date would be for early May, taking up to 4 orders per month until the end of June.
Note: please be willing to take up to 5 extra babies compared to what you order, since I will set more than what is ordered to be sure enough hatch at the right time.
This is when the silkies were babies last fall - I'll have to get more pics of them soon since they've filled out - they're gorgeous!
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