Blue ameraucana, is "she" a rooster?


Aug 25, 2017
Hi there! Recently, we've heard some rooster crow like sounds coming from the coop, we have yet to catch who, but we have our suspicion that the culprit may be our blue ameraucana, "Luigi". We bought Luigi from a respectable and large breeder, but we know mistakes can happen, especially since we got her from a bin of random pullets. (We originally thought she was a blue orpington, we aren't upset though, especially for 75 cents!)
Our main reasoning is that she is GIGANTIC compared to the rest of our ladies. However, Luigi is very docile and doesn't really seem to show any sickle feathers or spurs. She is five months old and pictured on the roost below.
Luigi 1.png
Luigi 2.jpg


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Yep, "she's" a he. Look at those saddle feathers hanging off the sides of the back in front of the tail. Also slender neck feathers. The sickle feathers are in that tail if you will hunt for them. They will be shooting out of the tail like a fireworks display in a few more weeks.

Gorgeous cockerel! He should find a good home easily.
Thank you, this may be a problem however, as roosters aren't allowed where I live due to noise, thank you though!
I agree with the others he is a beautiful cockerel. :love

Adding your general location to your profile can help others make suggestions more easily at a glance... for instance knowing where he might be looking for a home at... or soup pot if need be. ;)

Good luck! :fl
We have location specific threads on BYC where you might advertise to sell or re-home Luiggi. Your local feed store or tractor supply store is another place-- if they have bulletin boards, you can post an ad, and if not, ask the cashier of she or he knows anyone that might want him. He is a very nice blue Ameraucana, so I agree that you shouldn't have too much trouble finding him a new home.
Thank you all for your concerns in re-homing him, we will likely be keeping him until we get complaints, as I've seen many reports of his breed being docile and quiet. We'd even like to try our hand at hatching a few mixed chicks. (Blue Ameraucana and white Cochin, anyone?) If he does cause too much trouble however, we have a friend that just lost their rooster, and would probably be very happy to receive a young and beautiful one.

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