Blue Black and Splash Marans Eggs 1 Dozen


10 Years
Mar 24, 2009
French Marans from Bev Davis Line. I have a splash rooster and a blue rooster covering blue and splash hens so the result can be blue, black and splash chicks. Nice large dark eggs. I also have Barnevelder eggs and Black Copper Marans so feel free to mix and match if you like. I have a few dozen of each available and will offer a discount if you order more than one dozen at a time. shipping will be a bit more though. Spring weather is here in the Pacific Northwest and our weather has been very mild which is good for the eggs
Just PM me about the eggs no need to hit buy it now. I have several dozen for sale over the next few weeks.

I carefully wrap each egg individually and pack around the eggs as well. I cannot guarantee the eggs once they are shipped but do my best to make sure the post office has a hard time damaging the eggs.



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It is a Blue Marans roo in the picture. Behind him is the Splash Marans roo also. I have 3 blue hens and 3 splash hens in their breeding pen so you can get any of the 3 colors blue black or splash out of the eggs.
Oh, I so love my blue and splash Marans! You are tempting me! I don't have a blue or splash roo! Can you believe that .... I got all females!

I really need a roo, I really need a roo, I really need a roo ....

Oh darn, I just know ......

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