Blue/Black/Splash Orpingtons - It's what's for dinner


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
May 7, 2007
Forks, Virginia
I culled 13 extra cockerals yesterday.



2 buffs

2 blues

3 splashes

3 blacks

3 very dark blues

The meat on these birds is rather thin breasted but the thighs are thick. They will make nice fryers.

We didn't weigh them all live weight but I was curious when I skinned out a couple of the more well feathered birds. Some of the pelts on these beauties (skin and feathers) weighed in at 2 pounds or more. They had some really gorgeous plumage.
I grew up on a ranch in Texas and we saughtered a lot of critters, plus I love to hunt so the process doesn't bother me any. Just make sure you salt the hide as soon as you can if you are going to have it tanned. Looks like you did a great job though.
How old were these guys?

I have got to learn how to do this. I love the idea of skinning them, too. Seems like it would be a lot faster.

Do you ever save the feathers for things like pillows?
WOW these look good I can't wait to go see your website about the sheep. This summer I helped with cornish X's and we did not skin but plucked. I have also helped with three sheep this summer on the farm I worked on.


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