Blue Cochin Mix Feather Regrowth.


Aug 21, 2019
Central Utah @ 6000 ft elevation
When we first got SweetPea, she was part of a little flock of Cochin's and cochin mixes. She had some of her feathers pulled out by our dog and lost many from the Rooster's love making. We put a chicken saddle on her and over the past few weeks we have seen some great new feather growth. I think she went through a rough molt, also. This is SweetPea before regrowth. I don't have a really good picture of her bald spot by her tail feathers.

This is a picture we took today. We have been enthralled by the blue shafts.
SweetPea new feathers.jpg

We have noticed that our hens who have a rough molt and lots of regrowth keep to themselves and seem uncomfortable. I think I would be, too! We love our Cochins because they are so soft. We are looking forward to SweetPea's new feathers.
Poor chickens! That molting has to be very uncomfortable. And probably painful.
Can you remember how painful losing and cutting teeth were when you were young? Now picture if you had teeth over every inch of your body, and they started falling out, then you started cutting new teeth in.
Poor old chickens, molting has got to hurt! :hit

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