Blue Cochin Rooster Being Picked On!


10 Years
May 25, 2009
Southwestern, In
How can I make my other boys leave my Blue Cochin rooster alone? I found him hiding in the coop, behind the cabinet. I have 3 other roosters in there with him, 1 RIR, 1 BO, & 1 WO. It breaks my heart that he's being picked on. He's such a wonderful rooster. I have about 20 hens in the coop with them. I'm planning on building him his own little coop for him and "his girls" here soon.. is there anything I can do meantime?
I'm having the same problem with my little banty cochin rooster...I'm eager to hear some ideas!
Poor guy! I just went out to check on mine and now he is bleeding! It looks like his toenail got ripped off
and now I'm really worried about him because of the blood. I don't know what to do though...we just got dumped on with snow and I can't let them out of the coop. Any ideas??
So....temporarily...until you get a pen built, put him in a cage alone...near the other birds, but with yummy food (all his) and water of course.

He won't suffer more stress and will be ready to have his hens when you are ready with his new pen!

Let him live in the lap of luxury!
We had the same problem with our BO roo, everyone picked his tail feathers out and all he had was a bloody stumpy tail. We took him out and sprinkled antibiotic powder on it, (the kind you put in their water) and moved him into one of our vacant rabbit pens, (two doors down from the guinea pig). He totally loves it, his tail feathers are all the way in now and he is in top form for the ladies when we get the coop finished for him. We are going to move him in with the 2 BO hens, 3black cochins, 3 blue cochins, and 4 barred rocks. The reason being they are all so docile and really live by the phrase "peace, love and harmony." Where as the other chickens tend to be more wide open.

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