Blue Copper Marans is he worthy to Breed


5 Years
Jul 12, 2016
Please advise if this roo would be good to use in my main breeding flock


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Yes trying to breed to standard and trying to learn to train my eye for right qualities. I think he may have too much red and not sure of his comb. Recommendations welcome
Not really got to the ideal standard yet , im just trying for a truly healthy flock. But sompoint in the future would like to show just for fun so i guess i too will need to start thinking about standards. Just not yet lol
I'm not a Marans expert, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I think he has good body shape, back and breast are nice and broad. I like the even lacing on the blue parts of his plumage. He does have a lot of red, but that could be a good thing if he was mated to females lacking in red, which most of them are.

Two things are concerning-- the red tones in the breast feathers, and a lack of vigor. The breast feathers might breed out, but he seems to me to be not very vigorous. His comb and wattles lack color, his posture is slouched, and he just isn't looking to be in robust health. I wouldn't breed from a bird like that unless I had to. But he may improve in time, so he's worth keeping to see what happens.
I'm not a Marans expert, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I think he has good body shape, back and breast are nice and broad. I like the even lacing on the blue parts of his plumage. He does have a lot of red, but that could be a good thing if he was mated to females lacking in red, which most of them are.

Two things are concerning-- the red tones in the breast feathers, and a lack of vigor. The breast feathers might breed out, but he seems to me to be not very vigorous. His comb and wattles lack color, his posture is slouched, and he just isn't looking to be in robust health. I wouldn't breed from a bird like that unless I had to. But he may improve in time, so he's worth keeping to see what happens.
Yes thanks jed nicely put i think you are spot on. he has only been in that pen for a week, still settling in and the girls are giving him a hard time, think he also has a slight limp atm. I too think maybe maybe not so will give him time I think.

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