Nov 15, 2020 #1 B Beckyster01 Hatching Aug 5, 2020 2 10 8 Has anyone ever had a blue egg white? Just cracked one to bake with and it was blue! Didn't smell and was only 2 days fresh. Thanks Attachments received_830446234409385.jpeg 268.9 KB · Views: 15
Has anyone ever had a blue egg white? Just cracked one to bake with and it was blue! Didn't smell and was only 2 days fresh. Thanks
Nov 15, 2020 #2 JadeFarms 🙄🤚 Loving life 💜 May 3, 2019 8,136 111,210 1,367 Florida Are they store bought? If not, what do they eat and what do they have access to that grows wild? That’s really interesting.
Are they store bought? If not, what do they eat and what do they have access to that grows wild? That’s really interesting.
Nov 16, 2020 #3 aart Chicken Juggler! Premium Feather Member 11 Years Nov 27, 2012 112,945 182,872 1,947 SW Michigan My Coop My Coop Looks green to me. That's just one egg added to some flour...any other ingredients in the bowl? What's the pale yellow streak at ~12:00? Not sure I'd use it. This is why it's good to break egg one a time into a separate dish before adding to pan or recipe.
Looks green to me. That's just one egg added to some flour...any other ingredients in the bowl? What's the pale yellow streak at ~12:00? Not sure I'd use it. This is why it's good to break egg one a time into a separate dish before adding to pan or recipe.