Blue Gold Duckwing EE breeding...

Poulets De Cajun

11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
Houston MetroMess, Texas
I've got a new friend, who has recently been awarded a Blue Gold Duckwing EE/Ameraucana Rooster.

Does anyone have any idea what he'd use to reproduce that color? At first glance, we were thinking blue Ameraucana hens...

Any of the genetics gurus have any ideas?
If the person could get(normal) gold duckwing hens, problem instantly solved.

Blue GDW roo x GDw hens= half blue GDW half GDW in both sexes.

Breeding to blues is not good idea and unnecessary as the roo already has blue plus blues are black chickens with blue and that will throw all kinds of undesirable genes that will need re-mating plus culling out a lot of chicks for the duckwing pattern.
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If you were asking me, I don't know who's who in that fancy sorry. I'd say it probably is best to go with a particular line with the features important to you well established in them. Probably best to either join the club or see if they have a breed specific forum?
Sorry, I meant what color Ameraucana hens to the blue gold duckwing colored EE rooster. Sorry for the confusion.

What color Ameraucana hens would be best towards duplicating the blue gold duckwing coloring in the EE rooster?
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