blue laced red wyandotte genetics


12 Years
Mar 14, 2007
I have 13 BLRW chicks that are a couple weeks old. Some appear to have light blue lacing, others dark blue and some seem to look like golden laced wyandottes. Can someone explain the genetics for me?
Ok, blue laced red wyandottes are just like blue but they have lacing. When you breed 2 dark blue laced reds together you get 50% dark blue laced red, 25% black laced red(gold laced), and 25% splash laced red (light blue). When you breed the black laced red to splash laced red you get 100% dark blue laced red. When you breed blue to splash you get both. Always remember that type comes before color. Even if you have the best lacing and darkest red in the world, the bird is nothing unless it has good wyandotte type.

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