blue orpingtons


In the Brooder
Mar 8, 2018
I recently ordered some blue orpingtons. This will be my first time with this breed. Anyone ever owned these? If so, what were your thoughts about them? Also ordered some black stars and black giants. Info on those would be good also. Thank you
If your Orpingtons are English type birds they are very large, docile, slow maturing, and not the best layers. If they are hatchery birds then they are most likely American type Orpingtons. And have been crossed from the original English type birds to be smaller, faster maturing, and better layers.

Black Sexlinks aka "Black Stars" are hybrids that have been bred to start laying very young and lay nearly every day. Black Sexlinks are also typically fairly docile birds.

Black Jersey Giants aka "Black Giants" are fairly good layers but slower maturing.
I have owned black sexlinks but not giants or blue orpingtons, I don't think I have even heard of blue orpingtons before.
Here is my black sexlink.

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