Blue Slates


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 13, 2014
What quality is this slate? She is part of my trio. I was curious to see if my birds are breeding material. They are from the same hatch; i thought if shes good material then so are the other two. They are four months old.


The trio is splash, blue with black flecks.
Here is more photos. First is my tom,


My hen Kazzy,


My other hen Hope,


They are about to be "tucked in" because they don't go in at night.
From the photos, no one can accurately tell if your turkeys are of any quality. To really determine if a turkey is of good quality, you have to go from a hands on approach.
I believe, in the standard, that it says something along the line of turkeys being bred as meat animals and are highly prized as such. That being said, I would evaluate the meat condition of your birds (breast being given the most consideration and then the drumstick/thigh area being given the second consideration). and then the color and markings.
The actual "shape" of the bird is harder to explain. I will try to word it here, but I may be very incorrect in my words of choice, so take this with a grain of salt until you see what a correct turkey shape looks like. You want the bottom of the body to be carried almost horizontal to the ground. Then you want the back going at a 45* from the tail up to the head with a slight curve. Again, take this bit with little mind because I do not know hoe to quote the standard correctly without actually quoting it (and it making sense).

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