Blue Sumatras: A Joke?


8 Years
Jul 9, 2011
North Carolina
Are Blue "Sumatras" really even Sumatras? Most of the ones I've seen have not had the correct leg, face, comb, wattle, and skin color that Sumatras should have. I really like some of the beautiful feathering Blue's have but I am not sure if they're really pure or not.
If anybody knows the answer to this, please let me know! Would also love to see some pics of your Blues or Splashes.
There are perfect blue sumatras out there, bred by some of the top sumatras breeders. One of the best sumatra breeders in the country shows here in my area, and he has perfect blues. There are some really crappy sumatras out there, sure. I've seen alot of junk, especially posted on this site. But, I've seen some great specimens, as well. They are out there.
The problem I have with blues is that they contaminate the good lines out there. We had amazing blacks and bred in a blue rooster with tons pf spurs and a good head but he brought in the domestic feather type. The blacks had the nice sleek feathering and good tails but so many of the blues bring in looser feathering, the tails are kinda wrinkled, just not right. We were able to get them back to normal before we sold the flock this spring. Too many folks are breeding for size so you end up with a bulky bird that has a longish tail, dark face, and a pea comb but otherwise looks like an australorp.
Some of our bantam blues look great, I'll try to find some pics over the next few days.

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