Blue Wyandotte


5 Years
Sep 17, 2014
Hi folks, we are new chicken owners they are 3 months old. They are growing very fast but one is bigger than the rest. Two weeks ago Lucy started to crow. 6:30am, 7:30am, and a couple times in the afternoon. Now I have heard that if there is no male the dominate female can take over the rooster roll. I live in city limits so I can not have a rooster and I will be deeply sadden if I have to get rid of her. I would appreciate anyone input whether or not my Lucy is a girl.
I'm sorry, but that is definitely a rooster. A 12 week old Wyandotte pullet just doesn't have a comb that large and red. Plus, I'm seeing point hackle and saddle feathers--all signs of a rooster.

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