BO, approximately 7 weeks old. Hen or roo?


In the Brooder
Jul 5, 2016
Yucca Valley, CA
This is Sally. Sally was supposed to be a hen. She's had her comb for about four weeks now, and today I noticed slight red where her wattles will eventually be. She's very pushy, and hates to be touched or picked up, despite all the love she's been given since she was a chick. I beg her every day to please be a hen, because if not, I have to either rehome her or look into a no crow due to city ordinances and jerk-faced neighbors. I tried to get the best pics I could, but she's hard to catch or hold still.




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I'm thinking pullet as well, the comb doesn't look that large or red and her legs look slender. My BO pullet, very slightly older than yours, started to blush at the base of her comb/wattle area at about 7 weeks as well.
I hope you guys are right. She was the first to get her comb and she's all attitude.

Btw- I got those pics before night cage cleaning time. Please don't think I keep my chickens all filthy like that on a regular basis. I pull poop out twice a day!
Hey now, your setup looks a lot cleaner than mine ever was (didn't help that my chicks kept knocking over their waterer and food plate, and tearing up all the paper towel liner I put under the bedding!)
My Orpington boys, who are just over 4 weeks, are the first to come rushing up to me when I put my hand in their pen so based on behaviour my fingers are crossed for you. Mine were adopted by my broody bantam who has taught them people mean food. She's my best broody as she never pecks and let's us handle her babies right from the start. She's only a little Old English Game bantam so they are almost as big as her already, so they have a heat lamp to help out. Hulled sunflower seeds and cheese are good bribery. Hand feed treats like those - if they won't be friendly they miss out. Pullets can be unfriendly until they start laying.
Lol mine are just little poop machines
I have them in the house in a ginormous dog cage because the heat here has been up over 100 every day. After 5 minutes outside, they just lay there and pant. I'm away for 8-10 hours a day because of work, so I try to clean their cage before I leave in the morning and before bedtime. I'd hate to lay down in my own poo, so I try to keep their living area as clean as I can lol

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