Bobtail Cochin color genetics?

KAGs waterfowl

Feb 24, 2021
Does anyone know how the genetics work on bobtail Cochins? It seems that nobody knows exactly what they are generally. Thanks!
From the scarse information avaiable I've been able todo find, they are Birchen a the e locus(They Poped Up from Brown Reds) and sex-linked Imperfect Albinism at the Sex linked S locus.
Well I was wrong. Interesting!
The males are mostly white due to the double effect of s^al/s^al vs females being s^lal/- also there is more than one form of recessive white the one based on the mottling locus(mo^w) found in asían breeds(I am currently dealing with such mutation on my white Asil line)
The males are mostly white due to the double effect of s^al/s^al vs females being s^lal/- also there is more than one form of recessive white the one based on the mottling locus(mo^w) found in asían breeds(I am currently dealing with such mutation on my white Asil line)
Oh, interesting.

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