Bobwhite quail breeding cage per trio.

Really Depends On The Birds Themselves When It Comes To Bobs....

Basic Rule Of Thumb Is 2sq Ft/bird.... Pairs Will Likely Do Fine In Your Pens, Trios Maybe Yes, Maybe No--- I Have Seen 2 Hens That Would Not Coexist In 200sq Ft Pen, And Others That Would Be Fine In 4 Sq Ft Pen.... Wish I Could Say Yes Or No For Sure, But Only Your Birds Will Answer That
Okay thanks JJMR794, I'll have to give it ago and see what they think to it.
quailladyoffortmyers, erm i dont what the law is over here, i know a few breeders keep birds on wire, so im just gonna do it.
its more cleaner and better that way for me and easyer to collect the eggs.


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