Boogety, Boogety, Boogety, Let's Burn the Racetrack, Boys!

I am so sorry
lady for hijacking your thread.
Forgive me!!
Besides, it was all Reb's fault...He posted pics of wrecked cars!!! I can't resist pics of wrecked cars!!!!
shutting up now....

No one can resist the power of a wreck. You just have to look...
Not entirely true, Reb. I can look away, I do it all the time. Wilmington has the highest rate of accidents per mile driven in North Carolina, and has had for many years. I live near a road that is notorious for its crash count. The screech of tires is like a local anthem; it is followed by a tense and respectful silence. If it isn't followed by a bang or crunch, everybody relaxes and goes on with their conversation. The fire department down the road has a truck that we refer to as the "Mobile Barricade" because it gets used to block traffic all the time (it has a picture of the Tasmanian Devil in turnout gear on the back). I have a joke about getting a bumper sticker made that reads,"Pray for me, I drive on Market Street"; most of the people I tell it to laugh and agree that it would sell like hotcakes! With that kind of frequency, you learn to pay close attention to your driving and that of the cars around you when you see emergency vehicles, or you will quickly be in an accident yourself! Rubberneckers? Not in this town, at least, not for long!
I used to rubberneck when I was younger. I'm a driver now. I do a quick look and say a quick prayer for those involved and keep moving. Saw a really nasty wreck in Knoxville when I was taking my DD to my sister's house. The only lane that was open was the far left, next to the concrete wall. Not my favorite place to be when traffic is going slow, cause you never know who's gonna try to barrel up the lane beside you and try to cut in. Sure enough, had someone that was driving like an idiot go flying up the right lane beside us, then stomp his brakes and try to force his way in. That's why I leave 2 car lengths between me and the car in front of me when traffic has slowed to a crawl on the interstate. Rubberneckers will get you killed.
My wife broke me from rubber-necking...

I'm as guilty as the next...driver, at rubber necking.

So we were driving to town and went through the college
on the way. There were a some girls jogging. It was a hot
summer day and they were dressed in light shorts.

Being the safe and courteous driver that I am, I slowed down.

Way down.

Being the sports fan that I am, I was admiring their...form.

That's it. I was admiring their form. They were quite formly they
were, as they jogged down the road.

Being the idiot that I am, I made an unthinking remark to my wife
that I wished she had that form. (of course, meaning only that
jogging is good for you)

That's when she slapped me up side of the head.

Quite hard.

For an old woman, she's got a pretty hefty punch. Gave me
a black eye.

So...I learned not to rubber neck with her in the car.

Spook...keeping both eyes on the road.

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