I'm trying to complete a Reading Challenge to read 75 books this year. Can you help?
What's the best book you have read?
Do you know an author with the initials A. W. (my initials)?
a YA (Young Adult/teens) best seller
Well, what type of books do you enjoy reading? Knowing the genre you prefer would help to give better suggestions you would more likely read than others...
My all time favorite author is Edgar Rice Burroughs, most famous for the Tarzan series. I love anything he writes as his stories are always so gripping, and I especially love his John Carter of Mars series (beginning with the novel A Princess of Mars).
It would definitely help to know what genres you enjoy! Seems like you want young adult recommendations?
One of my favorite books as a teen was The Last Unicorn. I also really enjoyed The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. The Animorphs were also a favorite series and I'm sure you could find them in a library.
You might enjoy things by Ray Bradbury, one of his books "The Illustrated Man" was really good. "The Secret Annex" by Anne Frank is excellent (re-read that recently for about the 5th time). "Catcher In The Rye" by J.D. Salinger was a good one. JRR Tolkien books are wonderful, "The Hobbit" and the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. Have you tried any of the classics? Things like the Sherlock Holmes books by Arthur Conan Doyle and Margaret Mitchell's "Gone With The Wind" are great. Mitch Albom is a wonderful contemporary author, his books include "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" and "For One More Day". I think biographies and autobiographies are interesting...just choose a book on or about someone you are curious about or admire.
There's so many good books and authors out there, it's hard to name them all!
I just saw a book review for a book called Archie Wilson: & The Nucklavee (volume 1) by Mark A Cooper... it is suposed to be good .. a lot of people said it was as good as harry potter.. its set in scotland , a normal boy runs into a bunch of magical creatures and has to save the world//
I am a librarian. I read anything but true crime and horror. I love your recommendations. My challenge has 75 different types. So I'm trying to get new ideas. I'll post it tomorrow so you can see.