Bored with broody


9 Years
May 28, 2010
NW Kentucky
I know the instinct to 'go broody' is not that strong in some breeds. I have two Sebrights, one gold and one silver. The Silver went broody for about a week and then decided it was boring and quit. Is this 'normal' in breeds that are not typically broody? Personally, I'm glad, she is too little to sit on eggs and was chasing everybody else out of the coop when they wanted to lay eggs, but just wondering. The other coop, I have a Silkie who I think is stretching out to week four...ah...Silkies...

deb g
Yup, it happens. When a bird goes broody briefly I always say they were just "interviewing" for the job and decided it wasn't for them.

Good luck.
Ha - yeah that is definitely my "Peepermint Patty" - just wasn't interested. She likes to run around too much, sitting still wasn't for her.

deb g

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