BO's, EE's, Silkies for Sale, NE GA


In the Brooder
12 Years
Dec 29, 2007
Colbert, GA
Hi guys! Due to a sudden move, I am having to get rid of the majority of my flock before I've even finished their coop!!!

I have

5 Buff Orp Pullets $10 each

5 Ameraucana Pullets $10 each

5 Silkies $12 each

4 Barred Rock Roosters $7 each

The standards were all born around January 5, and will be laying age pretty soon here. They were bought from Ideal Hatchery, hand raised from chicks, and are all gentle, healthy, and fairly well socialized.

The silkies are about two weeks older, and are assorted colours (white, splash, buff, and partridge.) I can't tell who's a girl and who's a boy among the silkies yet, but all are feathering out gorgeously and have BIG pouffy heads. I suspect one big white one of being a rooster, possibly a second.

I am willing to negotiate a group discount if anybody wants all or most of them. I'm located in Colbert, GA, which is about twenty minutes outside of Athens.

ooo...yeah, I just Googled Carrollton, and you're way out there!


Hens sold!

Roosters & Silkies all still available!

are you north or south of Athens?

I live near Augusta.

Do you have any pictures of the silkies? and where did they come from?

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Hi chickhamm, I am about twenty minutes North and slightly East of Athens.

I don't have any current pics of the silkies, but I can probably get some in the morning if you'd like. I have their baby pics, but they look COMPLETELY different now.

I got them from a nice lady in Powder Springs (West GA) who was advertising them on craigslist in early January. They were less than a week old when I got them. They've been hand raised and coddled ever since.

It was night when I got all the way out there to pick them up, so I only got to see a couple of the parents, but the adults I got to see were nice fluffy silkies. They were extremely docile, and let their owner shove them right off the nests without even a squawk.

Looking at them today, I am pretty sure the white and the splash are both roos. They're big and handsome guys, with BIG pouffy heads, and I think I can see a comb on both of them. The rest are partridge or buff, and look more like ladies.

Lemme know if you might be interested! I might go out and take pics in the morning to add to this thread anyway.

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