Bottle Baby Katahdin Sheep - Should I get? - PICS added


12 Years
Sep 19, 2007
Thurmont, MD
I posted this on BackyardHerds and I got one response from aggieterpkatie. Thanks!!! Wanted to get some other's opinions so thought I would post on good old BYC.

I currently have Chickens, Ducks, Geese, and Horses. I was at a reputable breeders this weekend picking up hatching eggs. While there we were looking at his goat and sheep moms0to0be and new moms. He has several bottle baby Sheep for sale. These would be pets, not to eat.

My firast question is Do you think that $150 a peice for a Ewe and a Wheter in MD expensive?

The breeder is only 20 minutes away and is willing to assist if we need help. I know I would need to get Milk replacer and bottles and a warm dry place for them to be. What other gotchas do I need to be concerned with?

Edited to add - I have 4 goats, should I get these sheep at all? I was hoping that getting them at 1 week and bottle feeding them, they would be tame any more personable. Do you agree or disagree.
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I have goats and not sheep but for what it is worth, I had someone just yesterday tell me that sheep do not make as good as pets as goats do and are much less personable, etc... even the bottle babies...
I had a lamb one time that was freindlier than any goat. she was given to me because a neighbor was going thru a divorce and she couldn't take her with her. I miss that lamb
I have a hair sheep, his name is Casper. He is not as friendly as my fainting goats, but is friendly........... should have had him altered sooner.....
He tries to hump my llamas, but not the goats?? But he is always hungry, my goats are too........................ but he is a big fat PIG ! LOL Always begging and would eat until he exploded. I think if he had been a she, it might have been a little better,,,, i think here they go for $50 - $150
Edited original post to add:

I have 4 goats, should I get these sheep at all? I was hoping that getting them at 1 week and bottle feeding them, they would be tame any more personable. Do you agree or disagree?
Don't know that it helps, I'm a sucker and would probably get one, but I don't think I'd pay $150 for a wether.
We raise sheep just for fun and every year there is farmer in the next county over that calls us to come get his female bottle babies. They are $25 a piece and cost three times that in milk replacer. They are THE sweetest, most gentle, crazy little things EVER. They are herd animals so you would need two, but other than that, go for it. Make sure their mom had her CD/T shot, if she didn't you will need to give one but it's not hard to do at all. But be forewarned, if you ever get a bottle baby, you will have a shadow for the rest of it's life LOL.
I have 4 goats, should I get these sheep at all?

Sheep cant tolerate copper in their minerals, and goats NEED copper in theirs. Most goat feeds have too much copper for sheep
If you just want pets, I dont think it's worth the price​
Don't forget you can't feed your sheep the same feed you feed the goats. Goats need copper and it will kill sheep.
I have seen a few bottlefed lambs that were as friendly as bottlefed goats.
I have 46 goats, 3 llamas, 100 chickens, 30 ducks,turkeys,geese and 2 miniature pigs or I would get one myself. I feed to many different types of feed already. I had a baby goat eat some azaleas once( Toxic to goats). Love azaleas but dug up every plant we had on the farm.
I don't want to have to worry about a sheep getting into some feed. If you can do it go for it, if it is going to be a problem then you answered your own question.

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