Bottle Lambs

I am no expert on sheep but I did raise dairy goats for many years. I would think raising lambs and kids would be similar. My kids had access to grain (a good calf starter), water, and hay before they were two weeks of age. The hay was alfalfa because that is what we had. In fact all my goats, kids, milkers, and bucks, were fed alfalfa. In addition, all my kids got a shot of BoSe and CD/T shortly after birth. If you are feeding a replacer it might be a good idea to have some GasX on hand in case you end up with a case of bloat. If you are going to feed alfalfa pellets, just feed them. There is no need to soak them first. The lambs have perfectly good teeth.
Yes, they should have free choice alfalfa hay at all times . They will nibble at it and learn to eat it. No need to soak it, they have teeth. At 2 months old they are to be weaned from the bottle by feeding less and less milk until they are done. Make sure they have water. I am getting ready to wean my bottle lambs. They have been eating alfalfa for 6 weeks and now they are also on pasture.

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