Bought 50# sack of BOSS and they love it.


12 Years
Sep 11, 2009
Yucaipa, CA
My Coop
My Coop
I was at the feed store today and saw they sell 50# of Black Oil Sunflower Seed (BOSS) for $29.95 so I bought a sack. I took it home and threw a handful out to the girls and roo. They were anxious at first but when I threw the second handful they all scattered out away from it. They were slow to get back to it but as I walked away I noticed they were cleaning it up. So I will continue to feed as a treat. I have heard of benefits so I am willing to try anything to keep my girls happy. Cause a happy hen is a productive hen, right?
It's less than $10/50lbs at the right time of the year here. Rest of the year it's probably around $12-$15.
$14.99/40# bag at TSC today...with the $1 off coupon it was $13.99 the girls are out there trying to figure out how to get the bag open...they have been out for about 2 weeks!...used the egg money to buy alfalfa pellets last week...DH is selling 4 more dozen eggs tomorrow so this week they get BOSS
WOW!! You all are getting this at a lot better price. I'll start noticing when I buy my feed how much the BOSS is going for and try to buy when it's down. Thanx for all of your input everyone.

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