Bourbon Red & Black Spanish Turkeys For Sale


11 Years
Apr 5, 2008
Central Virginia
We have Bourbon Red and Black Spanish Turkeys for sale.
We hatched and raised these birds so they are quite friendly.
They would have to be picked up locally. Were in the Central Virginia Area near Charlottesville.
Several each Male & Female.

Email or reply here if interested in discussing these beautiful birds.

We are asking $25.00ea

In the future please post your state in the title
Thank you
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I need to find a boy turkey... I have 2 jersey buff females who just started laying... I hatched only 2 out of dozens of eggs and it doesn't look like I'm going to be able to get any jersey buff males for them... the closest next is the Bourbon Reds...

My girfriend lives in ruckersville... I might be able to con her into a transport for me....
Sorry I should have posted here sooner.
All of the boys have found homes as pets.

We will be putting eggs in the incubator as soon as it's feasible.

The boys we have here are already doing their part for the cause.


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