bourbon red turkey poults


11 Years
Mar 12, 2008
Los Angeles CA
i have had for the past 4 years a small flock of bourbon red turkeys. every year, the hens begin to lay and i collect the first few eggs, then i incubate those. the hens then decide to nest in the woods where i cannot find them, and despite my best efforts to locate them, they begin setting their nests and become cyote food. i then sell the male or males and raise the poults and the cycle repeats itself.

since i no longer want to raise cyote food, i will be selling the 4 bourbon red turkey poults i hatched over the weekend. i will not ship, so if your local, then you will be able to pick them up. i also have a 5th egg due this weekend, which i will include for 5$, if it does not hatch, the above price will remain the same. if you are interested, PM me and we can talk about pickup or delivery.
i also have a tom for sale, 30$ if anyone is interested.

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