I have 4 chicks. Two were bought as pullets and two were hatched. The Delawares were hatched and the smaller is a week younger than the other. The Brahma and the Sex-link are about 4 days older than the bigger Delaware. I bought them at Stockdales. Mom hatched one Delaware and I hatched the other and mom adopted it. All are broody raised. Any way, what do you think about my Delawares, boy or girl?
Compare to the other one with a much smaller and lighter colored comb. The comb is a huge give-away. Cockerels' combs begin turning red around five or six weeks. The comb on cockerels is usually more developed at an early age than pullets' combs.
Thanks for the reply. I'll watch the other one too since it is a week younger. I was hoping since this one was not significantly bigger than the known girls that maybe it wasn't a cockerel. That seems to be my luck with hatching. I didn't know about the age for the combs turning red.