Boy or Girl Easter Egger??? Please let me know your opinion.


8 Years
Mar 31, 2011
So I had 13 Easter Eggers that I incubated and hatched. I could only keep a couple and really wanted at least 2 hens so picked those with good temperament and nice feathering and gave the others away at the age of almost 3 weeks. I am thinking that I REALLY should have waited longer because I suspect I have 3 boys and a girl. Looking for others opinions as these are my first Easter Eggers. I am basing my suspicions on their comb development but not sure if same rules apply to Easter Eggers as with my other chickens and their comb development.

I think this is a girl

I am REALLY hoping Happy Feet is a girl but have my doubts

I think this one, Snow White, may actually be Prince Charming

I think Sandy might actually be a Danny
The first is a pullet, the second I can't tell because the photo is too blurry (can you post a close-up, straight on photo of his/her comb?), the third and fourth are cockerels.
The photos of the combs have to be straight on and not blurry, else I can't help you with gender. I need to clearly see the comb. This blueish chick has a peacomb, correct? It looks like SHE does.
A clear photo will confirm she is indeed a pullet, however.
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Looks like a pullet---it looks like there is only one row of vertical bumps in her comb (pullet) as opposed to three vertical rows (roo) found in peacombed chickens.
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I say 1 and 2 look like pullets, and 3 and 4 look like little roos to me. Maybe some of the people you gave chicks to would trade you.

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