Boy or girl ... hmmm?


10 Years
Dec 2, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
This is a product of mutt Rustie and her man, Hunner, a cochin. She lays blue eggs. I hope this is a little girl. She is one month old and is named Solidad. She's the onliest egg that hatched. My dear little banty, Shimmer, is the broody. I have a real challenge to introduce them both back to the flock 'cause Solidad is just about as big as her mama and can't hide under her wings!

Thank you, all. I thought "she" was a roo also. I was just hoping against hope! I did the wing feather test at 1 day old and found all even - male. The next day, staggered - so, I hoped that was right.
I can't have another roo in my small flock. Since Solidad is not a pure breed, he's only good for the dinner table. Perhaps I can convince a friend with lots of acres to take him for kicks. If they free range, one more mouth to feed won't be too much!


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