Boy or girl?


In the Brooder
Apr 1, 2016
I got several barred rock chicks from Agway that were supposed to be all girls. This one is completely different and I think it is a boy. This bird is 22 weeks old. This bird hasn't crowed or even given any signs of crowing. Please give me your thoughts

Oh man, I'm with Diva..don't jinx him..he has no idea what he has there. No crowing? Wish I could find one like that for where I am. :)
Thanks everyone for your thoughts! This is my first time raising chickens. He was always lighter in color than the rest of the rocks and I was so excited at the time how different " she" was and wondered why "she" was so much prettier than the rest.. it didn't even dawn on me that it could be a rooster because I was told that they were all sexed and were all girls. The chicks I was told were all vaccinated too for Mereks but that too was not so. I have Mereks in my flock and have lost several birds to that. It has been a very rough start to my chicken raising. Despite educating myself and investing in all of the state of the art chicken fencing, shed, cleaning protocol I am still learning a lot! Thank goodness for this great website!

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