Boy or girl?


In the Brooder
Aug 17, 2019
I think we have figured out the breed is French Maran but I was wondering if anyone can tell me if it's a roo or hen. A friend gave it to me thinking it was an austrolarp like the other one. But it was very noticable that it was not. Hoping it's a hen. Any help would be appreciated.
I think we have figured out the breed is French Maran but I was wondering if anyone can tell me if it's a roo or hen. A friend gave it to me thinking it was an austrolarp like the other one. But it was very noticable that it was not. Hoping it's a hen. Any help would be appreciated. View attachment 1893562
Cockerel HE IS SO ADORABLE AND CUTE!!:love:love:eek:

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