BoY or Girl?


11 Years
Jul 12, 2008
Northeast Ohio
I've never had BR's, and not sure what to look for, so I'm asking all sexperts here what they think these are. Boy or Girl?


I am quoting this from SpeckledHen. It has worked for me. Looking at your chick though, I am a bit confused. Legs are pretty dark on your bird which would indicate girl, but the head spot is big and the overall coloring is light, which would indicate boy. So I think Mahonri is correct, BOY. But then again, the feathers coming in are pretty dark, so maybe a girl. How about getting us a better / clearer pictures of the comb and of the feathers that are coming in.

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There was some sun light streaming in when I took the shot. I see they do have dark legs and the spot on the heads are pretty big but not irregular , so I'm thinking girl. I'll try to get more pic's up.
Even with light streaming in, that is a very light chick. The legs do have some dark, but it "skips", meaning it's not all the way down the legs, just a bit in the ankle area, at least that's the way it looks in the picture. Hmm. Could be a cockerel, but I've been fooled a few times. These sexing rules do work about 90% of the time, but on occasion, you have some with conflicting signals. One thing that would make me think pullet is that the barring on the wings is very narrow so far. Usually, the white bars on wings of cockerels is very wide.
I raise BR's, and I have had "silver" hens and roosters. I usually look for personality traits: the roosters can be more aggressive (duh) and sometimes a LITTLE bit larger. Rooster also has a more prominent comb. I also noticed on my latest hatch, legs and beaks start out w/ dark on them, then lighten up. Looking at the two that hatched out last week, the obvious rooster has a yellowish beak, the other has black on its beak and black on the feet, legs, and beak. I would GUESS it was a pullet.

Guess I'm only complicating it for you, huh? Sorry I couldn't help more.

Please also help to ID gender on my americauna.



It is 9-1/2 weeks old to date. Has not exhibited any rooster qualities, very docile, and quiet. But she looks like a roo to me (looks wise). Of course, it's just a guess on my part.

Please help!
Most definately a girl. If you look at the neck fathers and the saddle feathers, they would be longer and pointy. And the comb is not very big at all. that is why I would say a girl.
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