May 22, 2012 #1 brahmabreeder Songster 7 Years Feb 22, 2012 2,516 128 211 Northeast Ohio This is my buff brahma chick that hatched April 16. I think I know what gender it is but I need some one to conquer. Last edited: May 22, 2012
This is my buff brahma chick that hatched April 16. I think I know what gender it is but I need some one to conquer.
May 22, 2012 #2 JerseyGiantfolk Crowing 8 Years Jan 12, 2012 10,825 82 288 From here it looks like a pullet. Could we get a picture of him/her standing up?
May 22, 2012 Thread starter #3 brahmabreeder Songster 7 Years Feb 22, 2012 2,516 128 211 Northeast Ohio Yeah hold on one minute.
May 22, 2012 Thread starter #4 brahmabreeder Songster 7 Years Feb 22, 2012 2,516 128 211 Northeast Ohio I was thinking cockeral because of the red wattles. Last edited: May 22, 2012
May 22, 2012 Thread starter #6 brahmabreeder Songster 7 Years Feb 22, 2012 2,516 128 211 Northeast Ohio Thank you...I think this will be the one brahma rooster I will keep from the most recent hatches I have had.
Thank you...I think this will be the one brahma rooster I will keep from the most recent hatches I have had.
May 22, 2012 #7 JerseyGiantfolk Crowing 8 Years Jan 12, 2012 10,825 82 288 RhodeRunner said: Cockerel Click to expand... x2 standing helps
May 22, 2012 Thread starter #8 brahmabreeder Songster 7 Years Feb 22, 2012 2,516 128 211 Northeast Ohio Well that gives me more reason to believe in the sexing methods I used. I did the if you pull them up by their head and if they pull their feet up it is a boy. Also did the if it is on it's back and it keeps it's feet up by it's body it is a boy.
Well that gives me more reason to believe in the sexing methods I used. I did the if you pull them up by their head and if they pull their feet up it is a boy. Also did the if it is on it's back and it keeps it's feet up by it's body it is a boy.