BR "coming of age" question... **Pics Added**


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
The Beautiful Pacific NW ,WA
My flock of pullets are all about the same age, with maybe a weeks difference in a couple of them. One of my Barred Rock girls has recently reddened up in her comb and wattles, they have also grown quite a bit too... Another thing I noticed is that her legs are getting VERY Yellow now, especially when compared to her sisters pale pinky-yellow legs.

I know the comb & wattles are all about her maturing to "laying age" but I was wondering if her legs are turning really yellow for the same reason? I haven't gotten any eggs as of yet but I am hoping to see one soon
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Not sure on the legs, haven't noticed much difference in my BR girls. Their combs and wattles definitely got bigger and redder, and they were doing the squat for about a week before they laid. They started laying at 24 weeks.
Okay, here's the pics. 1st pic is the "older" girl.... the younger girl gave me a horrible scare when i went to let them out, she was missing until i found her under an overturned feed pan

Big Sister

Little Sister

All my Barred Rocks have had the yellow legs from the start. The slate color almost looks like a cross of some kind to me. Hopefully someone with more knowledge will chime in....
Better wait a little while longer. The yellow legs come in before the large, flapppy comb. When the comb is big enough to flop over to one side, you can expect eggs any day!!! That was the key for both of my PBR!

My advice to you is don't allow yourself to get antsy until week 22. If you start checking the nestbox twice a day before that you're going to give yourself an anxiety disorder. Trust me!!!!

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