Brahma hens not laying


8 Years
Jan 6, 2012
About a month ago I purchased four Brahma hens and a game hen from a woman who only used them in her pasture to help break down horse manure. These hens look and act very healthy, but none have laid an egg yet. This is my first experience with this breed. Does anyone have ideas as to why they're not laying?
Do you know how old they are? They might not be laying yet.

Tons of things can be happening when a hen doesn't lay.

I think they could be stressed out by the move. Many chickens will not lay when they are getting use to their surroundings.
Well first.
I'm glad you joined.

I'm sorry I don't have experience with them, but some chickens are late layers. Also do you know how old they are? They might not be ready to lay yet. Keep us posted.
Unfortunately I don't know much about them and neither did their previous owner. The woman we got them from only had them about a week or less. Her neighbor's dogs went after them and killed several and so she decided to sell these before they also got killed. They have a very large pen to roam around in and don't act stressed out at all. They are very tame. All four are huge so we hadn't thought of them as young chickens. My husband wonders if they could be really old and not laying anymore. Do chickens ever stop laying?

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