Brahma Mama or Roo?


Jan 31, 2017
Jacksonville, FL
So my Brahma is approximately 10-12 weeks old. Didn't know age 100% when I got it as a chick. The other chicks have picked on his/her back feathers right near the tail, because it turns out most all of my Ameraucanas are roos. LOL!

But what do you sweet peeps think, do I have a pullet or roo here? (all pics are the same bird, I only have one brahma)

20170601_142109.jpg 20170601_142120_8.jpg 20170601_141952_3.jpg
pullet because of comb color, the boys would have a nice red comb by now. I cant really tell in the picture, but are the tail feathers iridescent?
oh wow, two votes for each. We will go outside after dinner and really look at him and try to get some good close up pics while holding him/her. And find out if the tail is iridescent or not.

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