

12 Years
Oct 5, 2007
I was woundering how brahms handel heat in the summer it I should Get light dark or buff and where I can get them without ordering 25 or 15? What do the people who have them like about them?
Sorry no Roos for me But thanks + I dont know how much it would cost to ship from CA to Maryland.

Hey If I visit CA I will buy a coulple of your extra pullets next year and put them on one of those carry ons that you put little dogs in.

I have Dark Brahma hens that went through the heat wave this summer and did fine, never stopped laying. My brahmas are very friendly and very quiet. The hens lay a nice size light brown eggs. I also have some lights that are only 4 months old. I got my Dark hens from Ideal and they are nice birds.
I was joking anyway I think it would be realy hard to bring the chickens on board I probably could put some in a dog crate but I think that I would have to get alot of paper work to.

Thanks any way would love to come visit next time I am in CA. Oh I saw that you are 15 I am 15 also.
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