Braided rug - what?!


10 Years
Dec 2, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I was inspired by "another braided rug", but wanted an easier method. I found it (though not as pretty as the lovely wool braid). In my business, I have lots of fabric scraps and bias strips (for pillows, duvets and edging on top treatments) I just can't toss! I am frugal to a fault! Here's the first attempt that had enough flaws to keep it from being larger. The second photo is going to be bigger; probably 3'x5'. My only advice is to be very careful with your tension and turning corners. In fact, you could make fabric baskets if you don't add ease in the corners. Have fun! I have!


The tie on the top of the unfinished rug is to mark my starting spot. That's where you add new strips. By the way, I add new strips on to existing ones just like the instuctions say to add to short strips, but near the top. I know, it's gibberish until you put your hands to it!

How fun! They look great! I tried that recently too...but the braiding didn't work up very fast for me. So I went to the large crochet hook like Coyote suggested. Please post more photos as you work on them...I would love to see.
Verthandi, you are the reason I'm doing this! I just couldn't see braiding and then sewing, though. I am really very lazy! I've crocheted rugs also, but this is still faster. I've been around the second rug about 3 times and I've found on the third time that I have a bit of a wave in the third corner 'cause it's turning into a Nascar track with flat area between each corner. My first attempt was almost circular. This one is much more oval. I think I've corrected it since I'm now in the fourth corner. I also probably began my turn into the third a little too early. Thanks for the compliments, ladies. This is pretty relaxing and that's just what I need after a hard days work.
Here's the latest photo. After this corner, flat area and next corner, I add 2 more strips. I did a pink project at work, so guess what color will go in soon?

Verthandi, you inspired this! I ended up with 36" x 54". This rug has silk, velvet, drapery weight and even some light upholstery. You'd be surprised at what people want me to make draperies of. One of my employees was cutting bias for a tableskirt. I told her eight yards and I saw her drawing strips that would add up to twelve! I reminded her of the eight; she cut that out and had less than a yard left over. She held it up and said, "for your next rug!"

Each time you get back to the start, you add two strips. At the last go-around, I was weaving 16 strips! It's really a learn as you go, but I don't know when I'll get to use that knowledge. I learned a lot with my first pregnancy and was ready to put that knowledge in action. But, God had other ideas - He had blessed me with one, but not again.

So, verthandi, let's see a post of your pretty braided rug. I know it is prettier than mine - mine is, after all, just scraps!

Oh my word! that is gorgeous!!!!! I tried that type of braid last week...too hard for me. The colors are so striking in your rug! Thank you so much for posting the update. (I may have to try again.....darn you...

oops edit...mine is still right where you saw it last time, I had two major craft sales in the past 3 weeks and had to finish a pile of quilts. But, made enough to support my craft addiction. I'll post when it is finished, promise.
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