Brand new, quick question!!!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 19, 2009
Hi, my bantam cochin has been sitting on eggs over 2 weeks now. Husband candled several days ago, and they are developing. This is the first time we have allowed her to hatch any. The past two mornings she had scooted two eggs out away from the nest.
She does it in the middle of the night so by morning they are cold. WHY would she do this. DH broke the first one and it was a developing chick, I scooted the second back under. Anyone experience this before. HELP! Thanks for any insight you may have.
Sometimes they just get bumped out of the nest, just tuck them back in even if they are cold. If they were meant to hatch out they will.
I found each egg in the same spot, over 2 foot away. She is the only one in the coop, she is on the ground on wood chips, there is no way it pushed to this point, she must have moved it. Some of the hens were still laying eggs when we decided to go ahead and let her sit, at that point I'm sure some had started and some new are a week behind. Would she know this?

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