Brand new to chickens. Have one Silkie. Tips?


In the Brooder
Jun 10, 2017
Hello, I'm Ryan. We recently decided to get some chickens since we have the space and a few chickens in the neighborhood already. A trio of 2 hens and a rooster. They wander into our gates hard here and there. One of the hens lays eggs in our backyard bushes.

We recently got a silkie. Apparently he has a sizzle, so says the lady we got him from. He's about 3 months old and her other roosters, of different variety were picking on him. So she was eager to get the little ones out.

We live in Florida so a hot wet climate. We've been keeping him in a coop and since he is so friendly and eager to be held we keep him inside at night.

I'm brand new to owning chickens. I suspect we will get some hens to keep him company. Plus the added benefits of eggs and general adorableness.

Anyways anytime I want to do some chicken research id always end up at this site. Great advice to be found everywhere and super friendly.

So I thought I'd join. Say hi. And sponge off all of your collective expertise.

Any tips for silkies and chickens in general for a new owner is much appreciated.

Have a wonderful day!


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Thanks for joining!
Welcome to BYC.
You could stop in your state thread HERE to see if you have some silkie owning neighbors that can offer some advice.
Hi and welcome to BYC. There's at least one silkie thread that you can also check out - best place to ask for advice.

Best wishes
Silkies tend to make excellent house pets. My friends has had house chickens for more than 25 years. She's had a variety of breeds but mostly silkies . At this time she has 2 matronly seramas and an adult
silkie hen.

You may want to post on the "Silkie thread" for more information on them.
Forgot to mention the "People with house chickens," thread. Very interesting read about the various ways people accomodate them.

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