Brand new to chickens! Hello Everybodie!


In the Brooder
Jun 13, 2022
:wootNewbie alert! My 10 chicks have graduated from their brooder to the outside coop with 10x10 cage. Also have 4 ducklings…. Got big so fast! (I keep them all together- and feed them all AllFlock)I want to let them freerange about the yard (in a few weeks). Will they stay in my yard? Will predators take them? So many things I will be researching..
Welcome to BYC.
Do you know how many drakes that you have?
Did you know that drakes can kill or severely injured your female chickens, while trying to breed them?
In any case, they have different nutritional needs. All flock will work, but the ducks will need additional niacin.
Good luck!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
Your pen is a bit small for 10 chickens and four ducks. You might want to consider enlarging it. As for free ranging, you can wait until they're about 6 weeks old or older and then let them out of their enclosure about an hour before they normally roost. You can supervise while they're out. They won't wander far until they develop more confidence.
As for will they get taken by predators? Yes, eventually someone will.

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