Breed and age?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 8, 2014
Alpine, AL
Hi, still really new to the chicken world and need a little help identifying my new friends. I asked the guy I got them from and he couldn't answer any of the questions. Just curious to the breed and a guess at the age. I've done a little research and have my idea of both but wanna see y'all think. The first pic is from August 4th and the second is from yesterday.
The shot for overhead is not the best for trying to ID chickens. A full body profile showing head, legs, and tail would be much better, but based on what I can see, the three reddish ones appear to be Production Reds (a cockerel in front and two pullets in back). I need a better pic to identify the breed of the dark one in back, but she is definitely a pullet.
The seller couldn't tell you age or breed? Crazy!!! Yes, as Michael said full body side shots are the best for identifying breed, sex and age (although age will be aprox)
I've been at work all day so I'll get some better pic for y'all in the morning and as far as the "seller", they were free so I guess i can't complain to much.
Pullet #1 (Adison) looks like possibly a clean faced Easter Egger or EE mix. This is going by the coloring and what looks like a pea comb - I don't think it's a rose comb. There are other crosses, however, with this pattern and yellow legs.

Pullet #2 (Pat) Production Red or New Hampshire X

Pullet #3 (Eileen) Same as above

Cockerel (Harry) Same as above
The three red birds are Production Reds, with Harry being your only rooster. The other bird looks like a Wyandotte mix to me, since I think I see a rose comb. Could be an Easter Egger, though.
Thanks for the info. Any body got a guess on age? The rooster's comb started showing like it is now about 3 weeks ago.

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