Breed and gender help


In the Brooder
Mar 3, 2016
We ordered 15 rare straight run and Colombian wyandotte female,speckled Sussex female, and some others we've been able to identify. The order was lost in the mail and of the 30 that shipped only 11 survived. I think they threw in some extra roos. Now we have these three that are stumping us. Any ideas? I think they are all roos. The fluffy one has 4 toes and feathered feet and legs. Maybe bantam cochin?

The speckled has been guessed as dominicker too.
I forgot to add that they are 6 weeks old. On the top pic it is the one on the left we can't figure out. The center is a white jersey giant and the right a red sex link I think.
The unknown bird in the first photo appears to be either a Welsummer or Brown Leghorn cockerel. In second photo is a Splash Cochin pullet. Third photo is of a possible Silver Penciled Rock cockerel.
You've definitely ot two males, but the blue one (I think you are right i saying it's a cochin) may be female. I can't see it very well. I'd call the speckled one a SLW, but i'e never seen a Dominique juvenile.
The last one is actually doing better. His back was almost bare and it had an open sore so I brought it inside for a couple of days until it healed. I thought about using a black permanent marker to discourage picking. We extended our run so they have more room and let them out to free range for a bit now that they are older.
So help me out...i got about 15 "Ameracauna pullets". almost certain they're just easter eggers, but at any rate I have 4 that are significantly smaller than the rest (all same age), yellow leg (rest have greenish), they have a rhode island red coloring unlike all the rest that are multi colored, and they have combs (Easter egger pullets shouldn't have a comb at all). So I'm questioning if I got some accidental chicks in the group, are Bantam RIRs a thing? Pic of the 2 is for size comparison


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